Best Indoor plants for home
Best Low Maintenance Houseplants

    Indoor plants are not just a decoration to make your home look pretty, they provide many benefits for the home. Houseplants can help purify and make the air healthier to breathe, they lower stress levels and can make you feel happier. Just as plants provide great esthetic and health benefits, they also require time and attention, both of which could be scarce resources especially for busy individuals. Sometimes, some indoor plant lovers may not have the flourishing plants they so crave because they frequently forget to water or feed the plants for some reason, some other times, they may not be talented in gardening and may find it hard to keep a plant alive. Very frustrating scenarios either way.

    Good news is, you don’t need a green thumb to enjoy the beauty of indoor plants. There are several fuss-free, easy to grow indoor plants that can withstand drought and thrive through harsh conditions without sacrificing aesthetics. Wonderfully, they’re also houseplants that clean the air and provide us with healthier living, it’s a win win.

    The easiest indoor plants to keep alive, are the best low maintenance plants for indoor decor, great for dark rooms, can survive long stretches of discomfort, and don’t depend on the plant owner’s 360° attention. They’re indoor plants for beginners, needing no expert attention, and most of the time really hard to kill.

    Easy Houseplants To Grow

    1. ZZ Plant
    Easiest indoor plants to keep alive - zz plant
    Potted ZZ Plant

    Zamioculcas Zamiifolia is a plant lover’s dream when it comes to dependability, ability to thrive across a wide range of environmental conditions, needing minimal attention, and adding to the beauty of the home. Oh, and don’t forget purifying the air too.

    Fondly called ZZ plant, they love a bright spot in the room that is away from direct sunlight, a well-drained soil (meaning they don’t like too much watering, so watering probably every fortnight is fine), and a comfortable room temperature.

    So if you’re in the market for easy houseplants to grow, great for home, perfect for beginners, and giving needing no stress at all to thrive, the ZZ plant is a top choice.

    Note: This plant can be toxic to pets

    2. Snake Plant
    Easy to grow indoor plants - snake plant
    Potted Snake Plant

    Botanically known as Dracaena trifasciata (previously Sansevieria trifasciata), the snake plant is one of the fewest plants that can thrive and blossom in a wide range of environmental conditions, a trait that got them labeled as “virtually indestructible plants” by HGTV. It can flourish in very bright light or in a dark room. Although its growth can be limited by reduced light, it can still bloom with a few hours of direct sunlight a day. It grows well as a potted plant and does great as a table top display.

    Snake plants are also drought-resistant. In fact, they might be susceptible to over-watering, leading to root-rot. So generally, snake plants require watering once the soil feels dry.

    There’re also several health benefits that come with snake plants. They’re great air-purifiers and awesome mental health booster.

    Note: Snake plants can be toxic to pets

    3. Boston Fern
    Easy to grow house plant for home decor - boston fern
    Potted Boston Fern

    Nephrolepis exaltata is from the plant family of Lomariopsidaceae. The Boston Fern is up there on the list of indoor plants that are pleasing to the eye. Although this pretty plant thrives well in swampy, humid forests, it’s a great choice for low-light, medium temperature areas. What this plant really loves is for the plant owner to stick to whatever care plan they chose and to minimize care pattern fluctuations.

    As an indoor plant, it needs to be kept in a bright area with indirect light, so you might need to cover the windows with a sheer curtain, or place it in a bright room away from the direct source of sunlight. Ferns can do with once-a-week watering during spring and summer when they grow best, and bi-weekly watering during fall and winter when they’re almost dormant. In essence, they like water, but not too much, so make sure not to over-water. They’re low-feeders and can be fed just once in a month during spring and summer, and not at all in late fall or winter.

    Boston Ferns’ quality of being safe for pets makes it even more endearing as an indoor plant. However, it’s still advisable to keep them out of the reach of pets, they particularly work best as hanging plants.

    4. Golden Potho
    Houseplants that clean the air - golden pathos
    Potted Golden Pathos

    The golden pathos (Epipremnum aureum) is a favorite house plant for indoor decor because these beautiful trellis can be arranged for several decorative displays. They can be displayed in a hanging basket, or gracefully draped off shelves. It can also be potted or beautifully displayed on table-tops. One of the most low maintenance and easiest houseplants to grow, their ability to survive a wide range of conditions got them nicknamed the devil’s ivy.

    Pathos love bright indirect sunlight and can thrive in rooms with bright fluorescent lights. They don’t need to be watered too frequently, they’ll even let you know when they’re thirsty! Just watch out for their drooping leaves. They’re also not heavy feeders, a monthly or bi-monthly feeding with a houseplant fertilizer will do.

    Note: This plant can be toxic to pets

    5. Philodendron
    Easiest indoor plants to keep alive - philodendron
    Potted Philodendron

    This is a plant known for its hardiness, robust growth, ease of care, easy propagation, and a wide variety of leaf shapes, growth habits, colors, and textures.

    Philodendron thrives in warm temperature, bright indirect light and shady environment making them ideal as indoor plants. They love a well drained soil, so they don’t mind if you forget to water them a time or two. They’re ideally watered when the soil surface is dried (make sure to avoid over watering as they don’t do well with too wet soil). Any houseplant fertilizer available will do for feeding. Fertilizing is mostly once or twice a year.

    Philodendrons are also great air purifiers.

    Note: This plant can be toxic to pets

    6. Rubber Plant
    rubber plant - indoor plants for beginners
    Rubber Plant

    If your indoor plant preference includes a stately tree with wide, oval-shaped, deep green leaves, that draws attention when one walks into a room, then the rubber plant is for you. Rubber plant (Ficus elastica) has the potential to grow quickly to 100ft in its natural habitat, but when it’s grown indoors, it’s growth is a lot more manageable. It loves bright indirect light, warmth and good (not excessive) moisture. It’s important to water them as soon as the top soil dries up. Although this plant requires a little more care than the previous ones mentioned, generally it’s pretty easy to maintain, and the beauty it adds to a room is very rewarding.

    Note: This plant can be toxic to pets

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